Sunday, March 7, 2010

Constructing the Product

I wanted to name the magazine rock and roll or music mania but that did not sound like a magazine catering to the youth. so I decided to name it ‘Punk Rock’ which sounded much more youthful and clearly highlighted the genre of music being concentrated on in the magazine.
For the cover page I got one of my friends to pose for me with his guitar. I took a number of pictures and in the end took the one I liked the most. This makes the pictures original. I took the background from liked the background very much and I looked good with my picture. I made the picture brighter and it made it more attractive. The picture was cut by using the magnetic lasso tool and the spots that remained were removed by the magic wand tool. . For the title I used the ‘Chiller’ font since it went well with the theme of the magazine and has a very punk feel to it. The effects used on the title are bevel and emboss, outer glow, drop shadow and stroke the outer glow was spread only to the extent that the title was prominent. The style of bevel is inner bevel which gave it a soft feel and a glossy touch. I experimented with different fonts and colours for the mastheads on the front page but this one was the best. I used the writing Ariel for writing the TALENT IN LAHORE and used the stroke effect on it.
I have made a total of two advertisements for the magazine and tried to relate them to the theme as much as I could. The first one is of the famous deodorant/body spray called NIKE. The picture used for the advertisement is original. I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut the picture and I used the feather option to make it look good. I placed them on the background I took from placed an original picture on the background and reduced the opacity so that the writing on it can become visible and the background can be seen. I took the picture of NIKE logo from and cut it using the magnetic lasso tool. I used the writing Franklin Gothic Medium for writing. In the end the advertisement looked very attractive.

For the second advertisement, the picture used is original. I used the neon glow effect on the picture and the picture of the mobile phone is also original. I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut it and then feathered it. I tool the picture of the NOKIA logo from and cut it using the magnetic lasso tool. I used the brush to make the border. The address I wrote at the bottom of the page is not original. In the end the advert looked very attractive but I could have made it look better with a little bit of more work. The font I used to write was ITC Garamond and to write the address was Comic Sans MS.

For the interview page I have taken the background and the pictures from the internet and the source was writing I used to write the mast head was Monotype Corsiva. I used the effect called outer glow and drop shadow on the masthead. I placed another picture at the bottom of the page and reduced its opacity. I placed a guitar at the bottom of the page and used the magnetic lasso tool to cut it. The writing I used to write the interview was Century Gothic. I wrote the interview of Chad Kroger. I took the interview from a website. In the end the house style of the page was almost the same with my partner.

For the Pakistani Charts I took the background from was of white colour and I turned it into black.I placed my original picture on top of it and reduced the opacity to make the writing visible also used the charcoal filter and it gave it a good look. I used the writing called ITC Garamond for writing the masthead and used the fisheye effect on it. I also added the stroke effect on the masthead. For writing the top ten rock bands I used the writing Monotype Corsiva and I used the stroke effect on it. For writing the top ten songs I used the writing Monotype Corsiva and I used the effects stroke and drop shadow on it. I took the picture of a guitar from and used the magnetic lasso tool to cut it and then I feathered the picture and placed it at the bottom of the page. In the end the page looked very balanced and good.

I made a page on the Call Band which is a rock band of Lahore and goes with the theme of the magazine. Took all the pictures from placed the name of the band at the top and then arranged the pictures in one line and then placed a picture and wrote the content on it. I reduced the opacity of the picture so that the text on it can be easily readable. I took all the information from writing I used was Franklin Gothic medium and the colour was white. I took a picture of a guitar from and cut it using the maganatic lasso tool and placed it at the bottom of the page. The page looked very good and attractive.

For the Collage I have taken the background and most pictures from the net however I have merged these together with 3 original pictures. I have reduced the opacities of some pictures to merge them together and to bring out the background light. It also made it more attractive. I have added callouts to the more important pictures to show these comparisons.

I made the page of content. I took the picture of background and guitars from and I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut the pictures of guitars. I used the gradient option to change the colour of the background to black. I used the writing called Australian Sunrise for the masthead and the other text with Batik Regular.The picture at the bottom of the page is my original picture.

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